FORE is venturing into the role of a facilitator to institutional large land holders, industries and corporate bodies interested to invest in tree planting to meet their sustainability and carbon-offset targets.

Office Bearers

Dr. B.B.L. Madhukar

Foundation For Organisational Research And Education (FORE) is a unique entity which was launched by a group of visinories who knew what it takes to deliver. I recall with some nostalgia and satisfaction, my association with people such as Shri R.P. Billimoria, Dr. N.C.B. Nath, Col. S.P. Wahi, Shri N.K. Singh, Shri T.N.Chaturvedi, Ms. Omita Paul and others with...More

Dr. Vinayshil Gautam, FRAS (London)
(Vice Chairman)

There are types of institution building efforts, depending upon the sector in which the initiative is imbedded. I have had the fortunate experience of initiating and participating in such efforts in the Government supported academic sector, at IIM-K and later on as the ‘Leader of the Consulting Team’ at IIM-Shillong....More

Shri. Vijay Gopal Pande

Foundation for Organisational Research and Education (FORE), a non-profit autonomous Society established in 1981, has been a beacon of excellence for over 42 years. During this period, FORE has established independent verticals beginning with the FORE School of Management (FSM) in New Delhi that has been offering ...More

Dr. Devendra Pathak
Dr. Devendra Pathak

Foundation for Organisational Research and Education (FORE) is a non-profit autonomous organisation established in 1981 by a group of pioneers who recognized the transformative power of education.
As a non-profit autonomous organisation, FORE has consistently demonstrated excellence for over 42 years. ...More

Our Institutions

Vision & Mission Statement

Our Vision

To encourage and support initiative, enterprise and innovation for the betterment of individuals, organisations and social systems. In doing so to keep rooted in one's values; heritage while connecting with technology and globalisation.

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Our Mission

To support research based and application oriented education, skill development for individual-cum-collective growth. In doing so the mission includes inculcating a humanistic approach to optimization of resources, problem solving and institutional prosperity.

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Video Interview of Dr. Jitendra Kumar Das by the Local Russian T.V. during the event WORLD FORUM 'New Era-New Ways' at Moscow, Russia
in April 2024.

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