Treasurer's Profile

Mr. Pande, a J.N. Tata Scholar at the London School of Economics from where he acquired the undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in Economics, has over five decades of experience in capacity and institutional development in South Asia, ASEAN and China. His country/ region-specific experience also includes USA, Canada, and the European Union. His sector-specific proficiency, within the realm of institutional and capacity development, includes health, education, governance, and international economic relations including establishment of special purpose financing vehicles, and crafting public-private partnerships, economic reform and fiscal consolidation vis-à-vis government’s budgetary resources.

Mr. Pande began his career as a Tata Administrative Service (TAS) Officer moving on to work with the Ministry of Commerce, GoI, as the Chief R & A Division of the Trade Development Authority, and then to the Ford Foundation as the Deputy Representative for India, Nepal and Sri Lanka, and thereafter to the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, as the Regional Director for South Asia, and subsequently to Sustainable Project Management (SPM), Geneva as Director-India, and then to the Heron Health Technology Corporation, Canada, as the Managing Director – India and South Asia.

He has also served as an advisor/ consultant to international agencies such as WHO, UNCTAD, UNDP, ITC and WTO. Mr. Pande has also worked on a number of ADB, World Bank and DFID (Department for International Development, UK) funded projects in areas of health, education, family welfare, and water sector reform. Departments of Government of India and several State Governments administered these projects. He is a Founder Member of the London School of Economics Society, New Delhi, the Founder Member of the Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations (ICRIER), and Founder Member of the Foundation for Organisational Research and Education (FORE) Society. He is currently the Founder Managing Director of Vijyoti Management and Communications Learning Institute Pvt. Ltd.

Shri. Vijay Gopal Pande,
Treasurer, FORE