Chairman's Message

Foundation For Organisational Research And Education (FORE) is a unique entity which was launched by a group of visinories who knew what it takes to deliver. I recall with some nostalgia and satisfaction, my association with people such as Shri R.P. Billimoria, Dr. N.C.B. Nath, Col. S.P. Wahi, Shri N.K. Singh, Shri T.N.Chaturvedi, Ms. Omita Paul and others with whom I had the privilege to see early operational efforts evolve.The group had the wisdom to foresee that some institutional membership would also help the Society to grow. The focus was to be on research and application. The domain of interest was defined as “Management and Organisational studies.” The many recognitions which FORE has received through assignments, reports accepted and other recognitions, speak for themselves.It took nearly two decades to prepare ourselves for the launch of the first educational programme which was named FORE School of Management. The rest as they say, is history.

FORE has gone from strength to strength. It is well-recognized in the world of scholarship and action through its journal Abhigyan and its other publications. Its advisory and facilitative role in institutional building is widely accepted.In tandem with the new educational and research environment, FORE is actively involved in promoting learning. An extension effort in the domain of online teaching methods; aviation; cyber security; and more are some of the areas we are currently, also, engaged in.

The track record has been bright; the future is poised to be robust.

Your kind interest in FORE is appreciated.

Dr. B.B.L. Madhukar